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The Dharma Dispatch Completes Six Years

Sandeep Balakrishna


The tradition at The Dharma Dispatch is to publish a brief roundup of the year gone by, exactly on September 20. The explanation for this year’s delay owes to festivity and auspiciousness. 

Indeed, what better time than the sacred parva of Navaratri to publish my annual jottings? And so, here goes. 

Before I begin, I’d like to wish a very happy, prosperous and auspcious Navaratri Utsav greetings to all of you! 

It’s an old dichotomy though: I have a lot to say but I really have nothing to say. In a sense, our sacred work at The Dharma Dispatch has acquired a life of its own and like life, it continues to grow, mature and ripen, almost like a force of nature. 

Our dedication and commitment to our core values remain unchanged. To reiterate, we have envisaged The Dharma Dispatch as a civilisational initative rooted in the ageless ethos of Sanatana Dharma. With each year, our faith in this vision has only been reinforced and strengthened, for example, by asking ourselves really simple questions: what was the vision of all the great Rishis and savants that sculpted our civilistion? Why did they choose realisable spirituality as its edifice? How did this spirituality find such diverse and profound expressions in all forms of the Sanatana national life? Yet, how does it continue to retain the kernel of its fierce independence? Why has no single alien religion or belief system managed to influence or alter the spiritual core of Sanatana Darshana?  

Evidently, these are really simple and fundamental questions. These are also the standards we have set for our sacred work at The Dharma Dispatch. And we incessantly strive to live up to these standards. 

And I have a couple of updates to share. 

Over the last year, we have slightly branched out into two other areas based on the feedback given by a significant chunk of our audience. 

One: we occasionally publish shortform pieces as Notes. These cover a broad spectrum of topics including anecdotes, nuggets and verses drawn from the inexhaustible treasure of our history and culture. You can find our Notes here.

Two: we are steadily ramping up our video content on The Dharma Dispatch YouTube Channel, and are delighted to report the enthusiastic response that it has received in a rather short time. You can subscribe to it here.    

AS ALWAYS, the Sanatana community’s response to The Dharma Dispatch has been nothing short of spectacular. The unstinted support and blessings of a cross-section of the Hindu society continues to be the backbone of and encouragement for our generational work.

Here are a few testimonials. These testimonials are not to beat our own drum but to underscore the innate virtue of those who gave it to The Dharma Dispatch unasked: 

1. I’m just glad I’m able to do something to contribute. Thank you for doing all the great research and publishing you do.

2. Recently at some party met some random people. Mostly the "secular" crowd. In the midst of the conversation, a random person mentioned Dharma Dispatch. Said your work and books have changed his mind completely about the narrative. Was really delighted to hear that. 

3. Thank you for your selfless service to our civilization 🙏

4. I really appreciate what effort you are putting in this crusade. Will try and send small donations when I can as being retired do not have enough to help fund this in a big way. A big god bless. 

5. Thanks for fighting the Dharma Yudha on behalf of us. Pranaam.

6. May Prabhu Shri Ram give you the strength to grow your Sadhana to greater heights.

7. I hope you reach more households. I wish there was one of you in every family, but then, through YouTube, you will hopefully become a member of every family with children. The work you are doing now is priceless. May Saraswathi bless you with more knowledge and words to spread the same!

It is difficult not to be moved and deeply touched by such outpourings of selfless regard from people who I may never meet. Yet, the fact that they are there and that our work resonates with them in this manner is a priceless blessing. And an enormous responsibility. It propels our work and inspires us to offer more back to the Sanatana community. 

And so, as with each year, on the sixth anniversary of The Dharma Dispatch, we offer our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has become inseparable companions on our sacred journey of civilisational reclamation, cultural resurgence and spiritual reinvigoration. Above all, The Dharma Dispatch is not only a sacred work but one that is imbued with Ananda or joy. 

Lastly, we have the customary request from all of you. The Dharma Dispatch  seeks your contributions to help us offer more back to the Sanatana community. You can contribute in the following ways: 

1. Visit the Support page

2. Contribute via Wallet, Card, etc., by clicking this link.

3. Contribute via UPI: dharmadispatch@axl

4. Support by scanning QR Code below:

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