
Podcast #78: How the British Systematically Destroyed Hindu Charitable Institutions: The Untold Story

Team Dharma Dispatch

It is a well known fact that India has never fully recovered from the all-encompassing horrors of British colonial rule. Both the human and the economic genocide carried out by the British against is well known. There's the famous research published by Columbia university which calculated that the total amount of money that England heartlessly plundered from India was 45 TRILLION dollars in about 175 years. That is 17 times MORE THAN the total annual GDP of England today.

And then there is the other appalling horror: Great Britain under Winston Churchill engineered a famine in 1943 which killed nearly 3 million people in Bengal alone…3 million Indians who literally starved to death and the streets of Bengal were littered with dying and dead bodies of men, women, children, infants…

This episode is the first in a series explaining the history and details of how England methodically and systematically destroyed not only Indian food production but the Dharma, the culture, the attitude, manners, customs, and the conception of food that had been handed down by our Rishis and ancestors since time immemorial.

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