The Dharma Dispatch Sunday Digest: Incurables, Nehru's Purge of the RSS and the Christianization of Bharatavarsha

The Dharma Dispatch Sunday Digest: Incurables, Nehru's Purge of the RSS and the Christianization of Bharatavarsha
The Dharma Dispatch Sunday Digest: Incurables, Nehru's Purge of the RSS and the Christianization of Bharatavarsha
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We welcome this Sunday's digest at The Dharma Dispatch with a selection of curated articles from our archives in case you missed them or want to read them again. Without further ado, here goes:

A Guide for Hindu Parents to Prevent Their Children from Becoming an Incurable

We coined the term Incurable to denote a category of Hindu youth who are typically a middle and upper middle class. They are self-hating urban and semi-urban Hindus roughly belonging to the 16-30 age bracket, who are generally clueless about everything including the occupation of their own parents. On the other hand, we have culturally-rooted Hindu parents who see these Incurables all around them and are getting increasingly worried about the real prospect of their own children becoming Incurables.

This is a handy guide to such parents written with a genuine concern on how they can prevent their children from becoming Incurables.

Do read the full story!

Also Read
A Guide for Hindu Parents to Prevent Their Children from Becoming an Incurable

Dismissing a Defenceless Stenographer: A Slice from the Great Nehruvian Purge of the RSS

This is the story of K.V.S. Manian, a stenographer at the Director General of Civil Aviation who was dismissed from service in 1949 for his alleged links with the RSS. K.V.S. Manian was and remains an archetype and a symbol and a combined embodiment of numberless Indians who awakened to a questionable freedom at midnight. K.V.S. Manian was also a real person, a poorly-paid stenographer silently toiling away at the office of the Director General, Civil Aviation.

The story also narrates the chilling fashion in which Nehru's government went after the RSS with a singleminded determination to finish it off for good.

Read the full story!

Also Read
Dismissing a Defenceless Stenographer: A Slice from the Great Nehruvian Purge of the RSS

Do We Want Sanatana Bharatavarsha to Become a Christian Outpost of the West?

India is perhaps the only country in the world where the mutually hostile troika of Islamism, Christian Evangelism and Marxism are friends with each other because their goals remain the same: breaking India.

Most notably, the Christian West never gave up studying India and Hinduism in all its aspects. Agenda-driven scholars like Sheldon Pollock continue to undertake this study for achieving purely political ends. And when we observe the fairly recent history of say South Korea, Philippines and East Timor, it becomes clear that India is the last non-Abrahamic bastion to be subverted and bloodlessly conquered by the West. The aforementioned countries have now become mere Christian outposts of powerful nations of the West.

Do we want Sanatana Bharatavarsha to undergo a similar fate?

Read the full story!

Also Read
Do We Want Sanatana Bharatavarsha to Become a Christian Outpost of the West?

When Tirumala Venkateshwara Swami Himself Garlanded His Beloved Devotee

An extraordinary anecdote from the era of Srikrishnadevaraya opens up several profound vistas into the convictions, values and lifestyle of our ancestors. These are stories that must be included in our textbooks if we are to preserve our cultural continuity.

The story begins with a profound devotee, Anantâchârya the direct disciple of Sri Ramanujacharya, founder of the Srivaishnava tradition. Anantâchârya was extremely attached to his Guru Ramanujacharya in whom he saw the Bhagavan himself. At the command of his Guru, he performed just one duty every day without fail: making garlands for Venkateshwara Swami. These garlands were offered to the Swami throughout the day during all sevas, from dawn to late in the night.

Anantâchârya’s sublime life found fulfilment doing only this service, and his lineage became sanctified as a result. As the saying goes, the punya or accumulated virtue of our ancestors will eventually manifest in and safeguard the genealogy itself.

Read the whole brilliant story!

Also Read
When Tirumala Venkateshwara Swami Himself Garlanded His Beloved Devotee

That's it for this week. Hope you enjoyed reading our selections.

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